Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Smoke Fairies – Frozen Heart EP


Track listing:

1. Frozen Heart
2. Fences
3. Morning Light
4. We Had Lost Our Minds
5. He’s Moving On

If you like wistful melodies and well crafted vocal harmonies then Smoke Fairies’ Frozen Heart EP could be right up your alley. The music imparts a timelessness and the ethereal nature of the songs seem to make them just hang in time and space. Definitely music for the Autumn, or the Fall as I should say now that I am resident in Canada. I suddenly had a thought that this would make great chill-out music after an All About Eve gig.

Reviewed at:

Holy Moly -

Glasswerk -

WearsTheTrousers -

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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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