Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pay What You Want Downloading – Moshpit Tragedy Records

Moshpit Tragedy

Way back in 2007 Radiohead created a great debate with their decision to release “In Rainbows” under a pay-what-you-want policy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7037219.stm

Other bands have tried variations on this theme and in some cases simply made an album simply free to download.

Well, one label that has also gone with the pay-what-you-want approach is the Canadian based Moshpit Tragedy Records.

Specialising in Punk, Metal, Crust and Sludge the label doesn’t sell records or CD’s anymore, but allows people to download releases from their website and decide on how much they should pay. The label sees itself as a response to fans and artists being ripped off and abused by records companies over the years.

The latest label release is Burnt Cross’ “The Earth Dies Screaming”


Label founder, Rayny Forster, is featured in the yet to be released record industry documentary ‘Behind The Suit And Tie’.


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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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