Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aerosmith, without Steven Tyler?

Steven Tyler. Some kinda rehab

It has been reported on The Guardian’s music  section of their website that Steven Tyler may sue if Aerosmith replace him. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/feb/02/steven-tyler-aerosmith

Apparently, lawyers who represent Steven Tyler have sent out a ‘cease and desist’ letter to the Aerosmith management. This follows on from reports that the band is looking for a replacement singer. It has been reported that Skip Miller (Tyler’s attorney) has accused Howard Kaufman (Aerosmith’s manager) of “playing band-members off against one another” and pointing out the danger in a strategy that “could destroy Aerosmith”.

The current situation seems to have come to a head around Tyler’s current spell in rehab, where he is receiving treatment for addition to painkillers. Over the years, stage performance has left him with severe chronic pain and this was made worse when he fell off a stage in 2009 and broke a shoulder.


Mix into this the possibility of surgery to alleviate leg and foot pre-existing problems has obviously let to speculation as to Tyler’s availability to contribute fully to Aerosmith over the next year or so. 

According to reports, names that have been banded about as "substitutes" including Billy Idol, Paul Rodgers, Chris Cornell and Lenny Kravitz. How long term this could be is open to speculation.

Mmmmm. Aerosmith, with Paul Rodgers…. Sounds familiar.

This story has been running for a while now and you can check out the various articles, on The Gauardian site, below:







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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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