Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Skaden - You'll Hope I Had Died

 theskaden-hope Track listing:

1    Pain and Sexual Overdose Delusion        
2    The Suicide of Thoughts        
3    A Peaceful Moment        
4    White Noise In a Monochrome Night        
5    Grand Final        
6    You'll Hope I Had Died

The Skaden’s new album You’ll Hope I Had Died is an interesting combination of post Black Metal and Shoegaze. Both grim and female vocals sit atop this unique combination of styles with the themes very much in the area of solitude, despair and desolation. There have been combinations of alternative music and black metal before but this often just extends to  covering, although well, songs by bands such as The Cure or sounding like you are covering songs by The Cure. There is an entirely different approach in use here and it works really well. 

More information here: -

The Omega Order -

The Skaden’s MySpace Page -

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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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