Monday, January 18, 2010

New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal

heavymetal1 I was putting together a playlist on Spotify this morning for 1983, to provide an ambience for the day.

One album that caught my eye from that year was Into Glory Ride, the second album from Manowar. So I skipped over to YouTube and checked out the video for “Gloves Of Metal” and before long I was pounding my fist on the coffee table, chanting “Leather, Metal, Spikes and Chains”, and flicking a malocchio at the cat.

So, come my “Manowarriors”, let us done our “Gloves Of Metal” and lay waste to “false metal”.



So where is this all leading?

As I have been rather busy this year with immigration to Canada and that it entails, I have not really had a good chance to read through last years issues of Terrorizer magazine. But now my move is complete I am starting to catch up and it appears that  things have come full circle with the advent of the so called NWOTHM (New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal) in the last year. There are a number of bands that seem to be classified under this banner:

  • Powervice
  • White Wizzard
  • Cauldron
  • RAM
  • Enforcer
  • H.O.D.
  • Crowning Glory
  • Portrait
  • Celtic Legacy
  • Voltax
  • In Solitude
  • Cast Iron

Better call for the White Wizzard!


Amusingly, in a side bar of Terrorizer’s Secret History #2 (the magazines special issue for the past 10 years), it has The True Ten, ten albums of this decade that sound like they’re not:

  • Enforcer – Into The Night (Heavy Artillery, 2008)
  • Portrait – Portrait (Iron Codex, 2008)
  • In Solitude – In Solitude (High Roller, 2008)
  • Widow – Nightlife (Cruz Del Sur, 2007)
  • Bullet – Heading For The Top (Black Lodge Records, 2006)
  • Bible Of The Devil – Freedom Metal (Cruz Del Sur, 2008)
  • Slough Feg – Down Among The Dead Men (Dragonheart, 2000)
  • Wolf – Black Wings (No Fashion, 2002)
  • Manilla Road (Battle Cry, 2005)
  • Metalucifer (Heavy Metal Bulldozer, 2009)

Although, seriously, I think this retro stuff is great as it reminds me why I got into metal way back in ‘79, basically an escape from the mundane. But, my fanatics, beware the ‘metal by numbers’.

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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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