Monday, January 18, 2010

Salem – Water EP

cover Track listing:

1. Redlights
2. Skullcrush
3. Water
4. Whenusleep

On the Water EP it’s once again slow-it-down and spook-it-out time for Salem. John Holland’s, Heather Marlatt’s, and Jack Donoghue’s slow bass heavy electronic beats, funeral washes, fuzzed out melody lines, and ghostly vocals brings to mind the soundtrack to a John Carpenter movie played at the wrong speed. Actually, it’s rather like the Halloween soundtrack gone all shoegaze.  Perhaps the band are really fronted by Michael Myers. Funeralgaze, anyone? Remember to play with all the lights out, unless of course your name is Laurie Strode, in which case, best leave all the lights on.

More band info:

The Guardian (New Band Of The Day) -

Reviewed at:

Pitchfork -

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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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