Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Esben and the Witch – 33 EP

3377128469-1 Track listing:
1. (abstract)
2. Eumenides
3. Marching Song
4. About This Peninsula
5. Corridors
“Marching Song” makes you think how cool it would have been if Siouxsie had fronted Bat For Lashes playing interpretations of Bauhaus songs, but then you think, actually no, Esben and the Witch are so much more than that comparison, and actually much more sinister sounding than any of those. On the track “Corridors”, there is sound like metallic-winged bats fluttering. Turn in, tune in, and hide under the sheets! The bats, the bats, the bats are coming….   mummy!
The great news is that the  33 EP is now free to download at:
Reviewed at:
Hydragenic -
[sic]Magazine -
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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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