Tuesday, April 13, 2010


JJ - No 3

I just picked up on this band this morning. They are featured in The Guardian’s excellent New Band Of The Day column on the newspaper’s website - http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/apr/12/jj-new-band. JJ’s most recent release is titled, No 3. It their second full length album as the first release, No 1, was actually a single.

Although the paper bemoan the fact they have no Facebook or MySpace page, they do have a Wikipedia entry,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jj_(band), which gives links to various web resources. But, even better, well for Spotify users like myself, the band has all their releases on the service.

So, I’ve put together a playlist - http://open.spotify.com/user/toxicmusic79/playlist/00HNlDVxMIs0NfsIs8DjMP

If you want to check out similar artists, try the following:

  • The Tough Alliance
  • Air France
  • Memory Tapes
  • Washed Out
  • Boat Club
  • Girls
  • Lake Heartbeat
  • Taken by Trees
  • The Embassy
  • Neon Indian
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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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