Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alcest – Ecailles De Lune

Alcest - Écailles de Lune

I went out to check the super-box for mail today, and joy of joys, this months Terrorizer (issue 195) has just arrived. As I was flicking through I noticed a review of the new Alcest album, and they have given it a 9. Awesome!

Track listing:

  1. Écailles de Lune - Part 1
  2. Écailles de Lune - Part 2
  3. Percées de lumière
  4. Abysses
  5. Solar Song
  6. Sur L'Océan Couleur De Fer

 Alcest at Amazon




Reviewed at:



  • Post-Black Metal
  • Post-Metal
  • Shoegaze


Similar Artists:

  • Les Discrets
  • Amesoeurs


Further Information:

@Official Website -

@Myspace -

@Facebook -

@Wikipedia -

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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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