Saturday, March 27, 2010

Similar Artists To: EMF

EMF - Stigma

When I was searching yesterday for some Tome Jones video’s for my post, I noticed that he often covered EMF’s hit Unbelievable during his live shows. At one point they actually played together on a music show. So that got me thinking about EMF, the second album Stigma (which was way darker sounding than the debut), and similar artists that were around at that time and I ended up putting together one of my similar artists playlists, the process for which I documented on an earlier “Similar Artists To” posts. Here is the album list I ended up with:

  • EMF – Stigma
  • Jesus Jones – Liquidizer
  • Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine – 1992: The Love Album
  • Ned’s Atomic Dustbin – Brain Blood Volume
  • Pop Will Eat Itself – This Is The Day…
  • The Farm – Spartacus
  • The Soup Dragons – Hang-Tent
  • The Wonder Stuff – Never Loved Elvis
  • The Shamen - En-Tact
  • Inspiral Carpets – Life

Well, I suppose I hade better post that EMF/Tom Jones performance, seeing as I mentioned it. In case you are wondering the track Unbelievable (the bands big hit) appeared on EMF’s first album, Schubert Dip.



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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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