Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shearwater - Rook

Shearwater - Rook

I was trawling through some Magic: The Gathering videos for some inspiration for another blog that I have just started, when I noticed that one of the tracks used as ‘music backing’ was Rook by Shearwater. As a result I have been listening to the album on Spotify.

Track listing:

  • On the Death of the Waters
  • Rooks
  • Leviathan, Bound
  • Home Life
  • Lost Boys
  • Century Eyes
  • I Was a Cloud
  • South Col
  • The Snow Leopard
  • The Hunter's Star


I then put the band name through a similar artists look-up via and then looking the results up in AllMusic to get suggestions for key albums:


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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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