Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beam Me Up, Scotty! My Space/Psychedelic/Stoner Playlist


I was flicking through my most recent copy of Rocksound magazine and noticed that they had given Astrosoniq’s latest album, Quadrant, a nine. While checking it out in Spotify, I decided that I would put together a playlist. So, I went over to got a list of similar artists and started searching for those that had albums available in Spotify. Here is the final playlist I ended up with:

  • Astrosoniq – Quadrant
  • Astroqueen – Into Submission
  • 7Zuma7 – Deep Inside
  • 35007 – Liquid
  • Novadriver – Void
  • Gas Giant – Gas Giant
  • Greenleaf – Secret Alphabets
  • Brain Police – Brain Police
  • Dozer – Through The Eyes Of Heathens
  • Karma To Burn – Karma To Burn
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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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