Friday, June 4, 2010

Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage


Especially owing to my current status as a probationary Canadian, it’s good to see one of the ‘local’ bands getting the recognition that they deserve.


Plus, I love Rush. I’ve loved them since a friend played me 2112 way back in the ‘70s.

I know I will be checking out this movie when it comes to Halifax (Nova Scotia) next weekend, for a 2 night run at the Empire.

For those unfamiliar with the band, just the following list of studio albums will give some idea of their longevity:

  • Rush (1974)
  • Fly by Night (1975)
  • Caress of Steel (1975)
  • 2112 (1976)
  • A Farewell to Kings (1977)
  • Hemispheres (1978)
  • Permanent Waves (1980)
  • Moving Pictures (1981)
  • Signals (1982)
  • Grace Under Pressure (1984)
  • Power Windows (1985)
  • Hold Your Fire (1987)
  • Presto (1989)
  • Roll the Bones (1991)
  • Counterparts (1993)
  • Test for Echo (1996)
  • Vapor Trails (2002)
  • Snakes & Arrows (2007)
  • Clockwork Angels (2011)

Here is a super-play list of the 18 released studio albums care of Spotify -

And, for you young tykes, here is a list of more ‘recent’ similar artists (well they have been going a while):

  • Dream Theater
  • Spock's Beard
  • Marillion
  • Porcupine Tree
  • Transatlantic
  • The Flower Kings
  • King’s X

Take it away RUSH!


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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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