Thursday, June 10, 2010

Decibel: The Top 5 Swedish Black Metal Albums

Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


Under The Sign Of The Black Mark

There I was, looking for a Top/Best of list to post on the blog today, and when I looked in the mailbox things got a whole lot easier when I discovered the my, just delivered, Decibel issue 69 contained a Top 5 Swedish Black Metal Albums list. So here is is:

  1. Bathory – Under The Sign Of The Black Mark (1987, Black Mark)
  2. Marduk – Opus Nocturne (1994, Osmose)
  3. Watain – Sworn to the Dark (2007, Anja Offensive)
  4. Satanic Slaughter – Satanic Slaughter (1995, Necropolis)
  5. Setherial – Nord (1995, Napalm)

I managed to find all the above, except Satanic Slaughter’s debut, on Spotify.

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