Monday, May 10, 2010

“Enemies Of Metal Your Death Is Our Reward!”

Here Waits Thy Doom

The mighty 3 Inches Of Blood played The Paragon Theatre in Halifax on Saturday, and we were there!! Support was provided by Goatwhore, Barn Burner and local Cole Harbour band Black Moor. However, I must admit to being only familiar with 3 Inches Of Blood.

Goatwhore play a pretty intense combination of Blackened Death and Blackened Thrash Metal, the most recent album is Carving Out The Eyes Of God and you can check it out on Spotify.

And, check out the video for Apocalyptic Havoc on YouTube.



Barnburner are a bit more ‘conventional’ in that they, sound to me, like a reasonably straightforward NWOBHM inspired Hard Rock/Metal, their album Bangers is also on Spotify.

Unfortunately, we missed local band Black Moor, as they were added after the tickets were printed and so we arrived at the door as they had just finished up their set. I’m sure we will get to check them out again around the Cole Harbour/Dartmouth/Halifax area. Check out the lead track from their 2009 album The Conquering, they sound awesome! “Black Moor’s commin’ after you”.



Here’s an interview, with the band, about the Cole Harbour metal scene.



Back to 3 Inches Of Blood, their most recent album is Here Waits Thy Doom, check it out here.

Here is Battles and Brotherhood from the aforementioned album.


Of course, 3 Inches Of Blood had to finish up their set with Deadly Sinners!


But no Forest King in the set, [sigh]. Well, better remedy that.



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Note: Cross posted from New Music Excess.


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